Wednesday, September 13, 2006

11 hours at work today.

I am starting to feel like I am in over my head, but drowning has never been a metaphor that I liked for work stuffs.

My favorite is one that I learned working in a restaurant: "In the weeds".

I like it for a couple reasons, but the big one is that it really clicks with that sense of helplessness that I get from being overwhelmed. That is how I feel right now.

So tonight you get, lame post. And I get a full nights sleep.

But I leave you with homework.

Somebody, for the love of god answer me these two questions.

1.) Why do restaurants allow their chefs to leave the tails on cooked shrimp?

2.) Why do drunk people always feel compelled to get into arguments on the side of the street in a corner or alley?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Tails left on the shrimps make them look bigger, make you think that you are getting more food, and make you willing to spend more money.

2) Drunk people do the things that they do because they are drunk.

9/14/2006 02:34:00 PM  
Blogger Nicky said...

1) Tails left on shrimps are known in the industry as "apvo" which is actually an acronym which originally stood for "Always Pisses V Off."

2) Drunk people feel compelled to get into arguments on the side of the street in a corner or alley because to do so in their own homes or in some other private setting might be unseemly.

9/14/2006 05:33:00 PM  

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