Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Psychic vampires strike again.

Man alive. I don't know how many times people can prove their stupidity to me, but I really ought to start counting.

I am doing these small presentations for work. I have started off by saying, if you have a problem with [this one thing] than email or call me after the presentation and we can figure something out. Please don't ask me about it know, my email address and what not is all listed on the squibledee-doo and just give me something after this and we will talk.

And I swear to the baby jeebus, that I got 10 questions about that thing. It is unbelievable.

Also, I have now tried a couple of the fruity flavored gums that are being made, like Trident's tropical blast and someone else's lemon lime. They aren't for me. I want to swallow them (does that make me a slut?). I am a cinnamon or mint varietal guy when it comes to my gum.

Also, I don't know about where you live, but this new movie The Illusionist is selling out and getting good, to great reviews. And the thing about it is that I haven't heard a damn thing about it. But it proves that my love of Edward Norton is not misplaced.

Last and I swear to god this is last. Sometimes I meet people and I can't help but think that those people are really nice and pleasant and they smile and you are disarmed. I love those people. If you are one of them, thank you. If you aren't and you wonder why people don't immediately take to you, let me tell you something. Smiles are your best friend. If you smile and mean it, you can get anything you want.

Oh yeah I ate, I think, 12 cookies today and four cups of coffee today. YIKES!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Made me smile. Thank you! Jan

9/09/2006 09:55:00 AM  

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