Thursday, August 31, 2006


Okay, look, I have nothing tonight. Not one thing, I am out of jokes, my head hurts, I am really full from my cheeseburger. And I am only writing something on here because I am trying to do a posting every day for a month. Trying to train myself to sit down and write everyday.

Today my thoughts were revolving around my fantasy soccer team. I would love to devote an entire blog to just fantasy soccer, and it might happen next year or maybe later this year, but one thing at a time. So there is this team in London called West Ham United. Super club, they somehow manage to create superstars. Today they trumped every superstar team in the English Premier League. They managed to somehow get two players who are going to be quite possibly two of the best in the world at the age of 22. Here is the rub, in the US sports frame, they would be the current Celtics in Basketball, the Jaguars in Football and the Minnesota Twins of Baseball.

This is just a team that manages to succeed on a shoestring budget and alway pull something out of the hat. They are amazing to watch, as an organization. The fantasy ramifications of this are spectacular as well, because by all accounts, these two guys could be studs, the could also step foot and the pitch and spontaneously combust like a drummer from Spinal Tap. Who knows.

Sorry for the lame post, but this is more about getting in the habit of doing it than trying to amuse the four of you that read this thing. Incidentally if you are a reader can you please leave a comment if you think about it. You can even say, "FUCK YOU". I don't mind.



Blogger Unknown said...

Sigh. I fear my time at the top of Fantasy Footie is gone and forgotten already for this season. Is it too early to admit defeat?

8/31/2006 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday while you were thinking about your fantasy team I was thinking about the part of the Science Museum where they had the old taxidermy stuff, and their notes were like "In days past, rather than simply enjoying animals in the wild, it was the fashion to hunt, kill, and stuff the animals for display in one's home. This was called taxidermy. Today, we know better. These examples of taxidermy were made years ago and have been donated to the Museum for study." Then at one point they had a display of a cobra wrapped around a mongoose with the notes "This is an example of bad taxidermy. A cobra could never wrap itself around the body of a mongoose. In reality, a fight between a mongoose and a cobra is quite dull, and almost always ends with the mongoose winning."

9/01/2006 08:27:00 AM  

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