Friday, August 25, 2006

Spare a brother a dime...

Walking home from work I had a funny experience that I feel like I should relate...

I walk home from work with my headphones on, trying to block out the din of the day and the rush hour traffic that surrounds me. While I was walking a man approached me saying something, I had my headphones in so I didn't hear what he said. I am usually pretty good about not making eye contact with people so that I don't feel like I have to stop, but I wasn't wearing my sunglasses and the guy definitely made eye contact with me so I pulled out my headphones. Here is a one act play of the exchange (comments in brackets are editorial and designed to give you, the reader, some information that would help you see the humor).

V. - A man walking home
Dude - A man interrupting a pleasant walk home

Act one, scene one
A city street during rush hour, people are hustling and bustling back and forth a man wearing a t-shirt, backpack and headphones is walking briskly, is name is V. Another man wearing a fishnet tank-top, too-short athletic shorts and tube socks with red and blue mismatched bands walks up to him mouthing something, his name is Dude. Music being heard is The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (with all your power by the Flaming Lips

V. pulls the headphones out of ears. Music fades. Dude is starting to speak louder as the headphones are being removed
Dude - ....dollar man?
V. - (attempting to be polite, but annoyed) I am sorry what was that, I had my headphones in.
Dude - (scratching his chest and looking over V.'s shoulder) Come on man, can you help me and my girl friend out, a dollar or two, man?
V. - I am sorry, I don't have anything on me.
Dude - (walking past V. but still looking at him) Come on man not even a buck, fifty cents, anything?
V. - (reaching down to pat his pockets) Sorry man, I really don't have a thing on me.
Dude - Really? Not even a quarter?
V. - No, I am sorry.
Dude - (arrogantly) Shit, nigger. I got fifty cents, I guess that means I am richer than you are?
(Dude turns around waving off V. and walks away, The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (with all your power by the Flaming Lips becomes louder as V. reinserts his headphones and walks away.)
Scene ends

This is almost exactly how it happened, folks. I wish I was making it up. But I am not.

So that was how my day ended.



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