Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"This house is empty know, there's nothing I can do..." -Elvis Costello/Burt Bacharach

Watching snippets of the Roger Clemens congressional fiasco is making me sick to my stomach.  

I can't believe that the 535 idiots that make up our voice in the world have nothing better to do than to sit around and talk to sports people about cheating.  

Christ's sake.  Maybe nobody in Washington is paying attention but there are a couple of small wars going on in the Middle East.  The economy is teetering on the brink of disaster because we have an economy based on mythical income and credit leverage.  We are graduating kids from colleges that are barely literate and can't point to their own national capital on a map. 

We have homeless people on the street, people who can't go to the doctor when they are sick and children that are malnourished.  And the government is letting us down by wasting time on a 40-something year old pitcher who may or may not have taken steroids.  

Shit-balls.  I feel like I am taking crazy pills here.  Am I the only person that is pissed off about this.  With all the shit that is wrong in the USA why are we wasting time on self governing sports corporations.  They will police themselves or they will get arrested for trafficing drugs.

Although, if you really think about it, this is just further proof that the US is losing the war on drugs.  If you are to believe some of the ex-players than 60-70% of Major League Baseball is taking steroids which are mostly illegal.  Maybe it is truly America's game.

It just seems like bullshit grandstanding to me.  The politicians hold these big televised committees so that they can get some face time and then turn around and say they did something during their elected term.

G-d just thinking about this is making me sick.


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