Monday, September 03, 2007

"i was only watching, yes i love you more undressed"

Title provided by Lloyd Cole from the song Undressed

Everybody knows that the boat is sinking.  Everybody knows that the captain lied.

Okay. I am off to the races on this one. No one has ever accused me of being a feminist, I have been accused of being a chauvinist tons, but never a feminist; and despite that fact I am absolutely revolted by this poster that I saw floating around town over the last week.

I have nothing to say except to say that if this is appropriate advertising we are fucking DOOMED!

There are so many things that are wrong with this that I hardly know where to begin; so here is a little list, in no particular order.

  1. A girl with her panties coming off? Is that a message that we want to send to our young woman? Our daughters, our sisters, our nieces, and cousins; I sure fucking hope not.
  2. Girls 18, Guys 19? Its like descriminating for all the wrong reasons. Shit, I feel like I am taking crazy pills here. GIRLS, YOU KNOW WHY THEY LET YOU IN YOUNG RIGHT? Jesus Christ help us all we are fucking DOOMED!
  3. "Proper Dress Required." That is what it says right down there on the bottom of the poster, right after the phone number for the place. When I was in college, proper dress meant Khakis, a button down shirt, a blazer and maybe a tie. Tennis shoes were also not allowed. You had to look like you stepped out of a Brooks Brother Catalog. Proper dress at this place seems to involve underwear and not much else. Seriously folks. If I was a father and my daughter went out dressed like the girls that go to this place dress: I would ground her until she was 35. But the guys aren't any better. Proper dress for the guys means putting on your $300 ripped jeans and your nice layered-popped-collar-combo. Jeez I just threw up in my mouth.

The saddest part of this whole thing is that I feel like a fucking fuddy duddy. An old windbag. Yuck. We are doomed. DOOMED!

I don't know where the silver lining is so today I am going to go kayacking with a friend of mine and hope to G-d that I find something that makes me believe in the redemption of humanity.

Proper dress... pssh.



Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. I just snarfed my coffee. Really, out of everything I found the 18/19 to be the most offensive somehow. Though it also seemed oddly arbitrary? Like a one year difference?

Glad to see we are keeping the glorious tradition of our laboring men and women alive in this country...

9/03/2007 12:13:00 PM  
Blogger Madam Z said...

Some of my best friends are fuddy duddys. I agree with you as far as not letting my daughter go out dressed (or undressed) like that. I taught my daughter to have self respect.

Now, V, I am waiting for those questions...

9/25/2007 09:00:00 PM  

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