Saturday, September 22, 2007

"Conjunction Junction what's your function?"

Hey a little school house rocks never hurt anybody, right?

Anyway I am finally off my high horse and back in internet college. I am taking an online writer's workshop through Writer's Digest. It is a class in the basics of grammar, because I am really interested it being better at it but I feel like I write and talk like a carny sometimes; outside of my use of who and whom which was, miraculously, the only thing I took from my high school grammar classes.

So far it is going swimmingly. We are on the third lecture, which is the lecture on verbs, and I have to say I really like it. But I have trouble with some of the examples from time to time.

Anyway more later.


Blogger hippieange83 said...

Be sure to pay close attention to the run-on sentence lecture.

9/23/2007 02:50:00 PM  
Blogger V. said...

Hmm... I think I just got kicked in the head.

9/23/2007 07:42:00 PM  
Blogger hippieange83 said...

I was teasing about the fact that the description of your class was contained in a lengthy statement.
Voice intonation is lost in blog comments, which is a shame.
Your know that you are the best 6S writer EVER!

9/24/2007 12:11:00 AM  
Blogger V. said...

I was teasing you. You are right though intonation doesn't come through in cyberspace; which is why I want to standardize some formatting cues. For example, blue font indicates sarcasm and italics indicate a pun where the funny pithy meaning is the one intended. We need to make this happen.

The problem with my post was that it was done in haste, at eleven o'clock in the evening so I was exhausted and just wanted to post something.

9/24/2007 08:15:00 AM  

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