"Meat is Murder..."
So the title is a little misleading here... I don't know that I really believe that eating meat is inherently bad, or that it makes me a bad person. What I do know is that it makes me... uncomfortably... gastricly. Which is a recent thing. Fish, not so much and oddly enough not bacon either, but beef for sure. It just tears me down socially (that is something that my grandfather says, I don't know I always remember it as a euphamism for feeling bad in the tummy, but I do).
Anyway this week I did a bit of an experiment. I didn't eat meat--which for the purposes of this discussion refers to beef, lamb, goat, game, poultry, fowl, and pork... or more aptly everything that doesn't come out of the ocean. Everything was going great as well, I felt good; lively, alert, maybe even more sensitive (but fear not readers, I was not in the market for a new hair product, not that sensitive, but I did notice that I listened to a lot more Cure over the last week). On Thursday I went over to a friends house and they had a big to-do over dinner, which was pulled pork, and turkey chili, and I just didn't want to be the guy that goes over to somebody's house and says, sort of out of the blue, "Oh. Gosh, thanks for the offer, but I don't eat (or in my case, am trying to cut back on my intake of...) Meat."
So I humbly thanked the hosts and ate the food that was set before me and it was really tasty. I enjoyed it... for about 40 minutes. Then I got wrecked. Absolutely demolished. Heartburn like you wouldn't believe, I will not get into the gorey details of the whole thing, except to say that if you do it in the bathroom and it makes me feel bad or sinister I probably did it.
And so now I will atone--such as it is--for what I have done and go back to my new attempt to cut meat and poultry from the old diet.
Let's see if there is anything else to talk about... hmmm... well I hate moving, to be sure. But the good news is that it is almost over and when it is and I get my new place set up I will post some pictures so that people who don't know me and revel in my apartment... Wait... that sounded dirty.
I think I am on the verge of purchasing my first IKEA product. It is a bed, that has drawers underneath it.
Here is the picture:

Swanky, no?
I have to admit I feel like I am admitting something dire here. I mean isn't IKEA... tragically unhip? But my friend Josh (whose 20 songs is a couple of songs below) is pretty hip and he likes IKEA. What it really gets down to, more than anything else, is that I can't build anything for cheaper and it is exactly what I want. So there it is. I am lame. Ergh.
I found a funny link the other day BOT CON! Near as I can tell it looks like a Transformer collectors convention. I found it while researching information for the Providence Improv Festival. Which is going to be awesome. I can't wait.
Anyway enough said for today. If the weather is nice where you are, go out and get some fresh air, summer is fast upon us.
Anyway this week I did a bit of an experiment. I didn't eat meat--which for the purposes of this discussion refers to beef, lamb, goat, game, poultry, fowl, and pork... or more aptly everything that doesn't come out of the ocean. Everything was going great as well, I felt good; lively, alert, maybe even more sensitive (but fear not readers, I was not in the market for a new hair product, not that sensitive, but I did notice that I listened to a lot more Cure over the last week). On Thursday I went over to a friends house and they had a big to-do over dinner, which was pulled pork, and turkey chili, and I just didn't want to be the guy that goes over to somebody's house and says, sort of out of the blue, "Oh. Gosh, thanks for the offer, but I don't eat (or in my case, am trying to cut back on my intake of...) Meat."
So I humbly thanked the hosts and ate the food that was set before me and it was really tasty. I enjoyed it... for about 40 minutes. Then I got wrecked. Absolutely demolished. Heartburn like you wouldn't believe, I will not get into the gorey details of the whole thing, except to say that if you do it in the bathroom and it makes me feel bad or sinister I probably did it.
And so now I will atone--such as it is--for what I have done and go back to my new attempt to cut meat and poultry from the old diet.
Let's see if there is anything else to talk about... hmmm... well I hate moving, to be sure. But the good news is that it is almost over and when it is and I get my new place set up I will post some pictures so that people who don't know me and revel in my apartment... Wait... that sounded dirty.
I think I am on the verge of purchasing my first IKEA product. It is a bed, that has drawers underneath it.
Here is the picture:

Swanky, no?
I have to admit I feel like I am admitting something dire here. I mean isn't IKEA... tragically unhip? But my friend Josh (whose 20 songs is a couple of songs below) is pretty hip and he likes IKEA. What it really gets down to, more than anything else, is that I can't build anything for cheaper and it is exactly what I want. So there it is. I am lame. Ergh.
I found a funny link the other day BOT CON! Near as I can tell it looks like a Transformer collectors convention. I found it while researching information for the Providence Improv Festival. Which is going to be awesome. I can't wait.
Anyway enough said for today. If the weather is nice where you are, go out and get some fresh air, summer is fast upon us.
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