Sunday, November 12, 2006

There are no mistakes, just happy accidents...

Thank you Bob Ross.

I have noticed recently that when my life goes in a direction that I am not really expecting - missed busses, detours down streets that I haven't been down, that sort of thing - if I keep my eyes and ears open I see some pretty wonderful (or heinous) things.

Tonight I missed a bus, or the schedule wasn't published well and we missed each other, and I was forced to take a cab so that I could catch a performance. My cab driver was awesome because he sang while he drove. I bet a lot of you are saying so what. But here is the thing, he was singing a love song, and not to ham it up, but because he just liked singing it. In his heavily accented english there is something really endearing about a man singing love songs to the radio under his breath.

Last night over dinner. Two people over dinner, funny conversation. It started out with the guy talking about music theory and miming trombone slide position, then they were talking about American cinema and they used a phrase that has been ringing in my head all day long - but that I am blanking on while I type - something like cultural demystification. I wish I could remember I will have to get back to you, but the thing that was funny was that the girl half of the party looked like she had been set up on the worst blind date ever and the guy looked like he was drowning.

Today, I saw the coolest stroller (I do not have kids, but I would consider adopting so that I could get this stroller). On second thought, since I now know that it is a $1000 stroller, I might consider not having kids, and seeing if they make one in my size. But my point was that it is Swedish and it is amazing. The Swedes (and the Skandanavians in general) really have some innovative design stuff going on these days. Whether it is a Volvo, this stroller or the entire contents of Ikea, there is either something in the water up there or they are putting all that time spent in doors in the winter to good use.

The neat thing about this is that if one thing had changed, one light, or a change of appetite I would have missed any of them. I just feel lucky today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post put a huge smile on my face. Thanks for reminding me of the proper way to look at life. :)

Now back to my usual cynical self....I checked out that stroller. It's nice, but I don't think it's $949 worth of nice. Can a baby even tell the difference between the $949 stroller and, say, a wheelbarrow? Even assuming that the baby can tell, how can this displeasure with the inferior trnasportation be communicated? Crying? Refusing food? Soiling a diaper? How could one distinguish these missives from diarrhea, fullness, or just plain brattiness?

I am of the opinion that baby stuff should be as cheap as possible. Babies outgrow things too fast. Were I in charge of a baby (parents beware!), I'd dress the baby in a diaper all the time. Maybe add a tee-shirt for trips to Wal-Mart. Maybe.

11/12/2006 10:19:00 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

That is awesome. and it so true. I'm glad you found my blog because I am thouroughly (oh I spelled that terribly wrong!) enjoying yours.

Though I must admit, a baby might be worth a lot, your life even...but a $1000 stroller? That's insane unless it's motor powered and grocery shops for you.

11/14/2006 03:57:00 AM  
Blogger V. said...

If the stroller would give me backrubs I would make the splurge, or if it help me complete tasks at work. Like Rosy from the Jetsons but with the sleek styling that only the swedes can muster.

11/14/2006 10:24:00 AM  
Blogger Amy Guth said...

It was "American Rationalism"...

"Denying death, denying decay! It's so American of them. It's fucking American rationalism, seriously. (pause) Oh, you know Steve is way into Shostakovich now, by the way..."

(Glad I found it pretentious enough to jot down.)

11/18/2006 02:23:00 PM  
Blogger V. said...

Thanks Amy, that was it. I knew that they were talking about shostakovich, because I immediately had the Fantasia 2000 bit in my head. About the one legged toy soldier.

11/18/2006 05:27:00 PM  

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